I'm excited to be back with part two of my West Coast vs. East Coast series in collaboration with Toronto blogger Nitsan Raiter! If you didn't see part one let me fill you in on what you've missed:
I've teamed up with Beauty Rewritten to bring our readers a four part how-to guide which consists of: spring must-haves, this season's beauty tips, upcoming trends and advice on transitioning your wardrobe.
Unlike the East Coast, here on the west coast it's starting to warm up and look more like spring everyday (until it starts raining again, thanks Vancouver).
Here's how I'm faking it til' spring makes it here on the West Coast. If you're interested to see how an East Coaster does it, click here! Don't forget to check Nitsan out & send some love her way.
Shop my jacket Here, Shop my blouse Here, Shop my jeans (similar) Here, Shop my shoes (similar) Here
Until next time, catch up on what you've missed! Click here to readmy last post.
What would you like to see from me? I would love to know, leave me an email with any feedback or blog post requests here!